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Service Accounts

Refer to Overview▸ to manage environment resources via API, Terraform, etc., you need to create a service account first. This article provides instructions on creating and managing service accounts in AutoMQ Cloud.

Service Accounts

Each AutoMQ environment is managed independently, with a unique account system within each environment to manage its resources.

  • Service accounts are completely isolated between environments to prevent confusion and permissions leakage.

  • Service accounts are independent of cloud provider accounts; they are not related to each other.

Creating a Service Account

Using the AutoMQ Cloud Environment Console, members with the Admin role can create service accounts.

The steps to create a service account are as follows:

  1. Admin role members enter the environment.

  2. Click the Service Accounts button in the left navigation bar to enter the Service Accounts List.

  3. Click Create Service Account, enter the service account alias, select the assigned role, and click Create.

  4. The system will return the AccessKey information for the service account, which needs to be downloaded and saved by the user.

Access Key information for the service account is only available for download at the time of creation. It cannot be modified or viewed later. Users should save it properly to avoid leakage or loss.

Modify Service Account

Admin role members can manage service accounts in the environment console at any time, including modifying the authorization role of the service account or deleting the service account. The operation steps are similar to creating an account.