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To avoid the complications that arise from undefined behaviors in production environments, AutoMQ Cloud enforces specific constraints and regulations on parameters, quotas, and actions within the product's scope. Users must comply with these limitations, and if they find them insufficient for their needs, they should promptly request assistance by submitting a ticket as per Obtaining Services▸.

Parameter Restrictions

The names and descriptions of the parameters listed below are non-negotiable. Users are required to strictly adhere to these standards to prevent issues during system processing that can arise from special characters or exceeding character limits.

Public Parameter Restrictions

Parameter Item
Instance Name
  • Character restriction: Only supports Chinese characters, letters a-z or A-Z, numbers 0-9, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Length restriction: 3-64 characters.
Names and remarks should use concise, commonly used phrases and abbreviations to avoid display anomalies caused by special characters.
Instance Remark
  • Character restriction: Only supports Chinese characters, letters a-z or A-Z, numbers 0-9, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Length restriction: 0-128 characters.
Names and remarks should use concise, commonly used phrases and abbreviations to avoid display anomalies caused by special characters.
  • Character Limit: Only supports letters a-z or A-Z, numbers 0-9, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Length Limit: 3–64 characters.
Names and remarks should be concise and use common phrases and abbreviations, avoiding special characters that may cause display issues.
User Password
  • Character Limit: Only supports visible characters.
  • Length Limit: 8–16 characters.
Names and remarks should be concise and use common phrases and abbreviations, avoiding special characters that may cause display issues.
Integration Name
  • Character Limit: Only supports Chinese characters, letters a-z or A-Z, numbers 0-9, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Length Limit: 3–64 characters.
Names and remarks should be concise and use common phrases and abbreviations, avoiding special characters that may cause display issues.
Reassignment Name
  • Character Limit: Only supports Chinese characters, letters a-z or A-Z, numbers 0-9, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Length Limit: 3–64 characters.
Names and remarks should be concise and use common phrases and abbreviations, avoiding special characters that may cause display issues.

AutoMQ Kafka Product Constraints

Many of the parameter constraints within the AutoMQ Kafka product are modeled after Apache Kafka®. For specific limitations imposed by AutoMQ Cloud on certain parameters, please see Restrictions▸.

Resource Quota Limits

Drawing from extensive operational experience in large-scale production environments, AutoMQ Cloud has set initial limitations on various performance metrics and parameters that generally meet standard requirements. If your needs exceed these limitations, please submit a support ticket for further assistance.

Environmental Public Resource Quota Limits

Limit Item
Limit Value
Total number of product instances allowed within a single environment
Subject to subscription plan constraints
If the current limits are insufficient, seek assistance through a service ticket Obtaining Services▸ .
Number of member accounts in a single environment
If the current limits are insufficient, seek assistance through a service ticket Obtaining Services▸ .

AutoMQ Kafka Resource Quota Limits

For detailed information on resource quota limits within the AutoMQ Kafka product, please see Restrictions▸.