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Runs on MinIO


Configure WAL

Since MinIO does not support block storage, AutoMQ cannot solely rely on MinIO to provide a highly durable Kafka service. It is recommended to use local SSDs instead of distributed block storage for logging scenarios. Note that if the local SSD fails, it may result in a few seconds of data not being uploaded to MinIO, potentially causing data loss for the most recent few seconds.

To configure the Write-Ahead-Log (WAL) of AutoMQ to use local SSD storage, ensure the specified file path is on an SSD with more than 10GB of available space.

--override s3.wal.path=/home/admin/automq-wal

Configure S3URL

  • The Access Key and Secret Key correspond to the environment variables MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD that need to be set during MinIO installation.

  • You can use the following command to query the endpoint, with the output format as follows:

sudo systemctl status minio.service


Creating a Bucket for MinIO

  1. Configure the AWS CLI with the necessary Access Key and Secret Key by setting environment variables.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minio-secret-key-CHANGE-ME

  1. Use the AWS CLI to create an S3 bucket.

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket automq-data --endpoint=

Deploying AutoMQ

The following are the necessary parameters required to generate the S3 URL:

Parameter Name
Default Value in This Example
Environment variable MINIO_ROOT_USER
Environment variable MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD
This parameter is not valid in MinIO and can be set to any value, such as us-west-2
You can obtain the endpoint by running the command sudo systemctl status minio.service

After completing the WAL and S3URL configuration, you can now deploy AutoMQ. Please follow the instructions in Cluster Deployment on Linux▸.