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This article introduces the terminology and basic concepts related to AutoMQ Cloud, helping you better understand and use AutoMQ Cloud.

In this article, the terms AutoMQ product service provider, AutoMQ service provider, and AutoMQ all specifically refer to AutoMQ HK Limited.

Based on a top-down classification principle, from general to specific, the primary term relationships are shown in the following diagram:

Terminology Details

Subscription Plan

A Subscription Plan is a service payment agreement that users choose on AutoMQ Cloud. It outlines the payment method, pricing, service period, and resource quotas for using the software services provided by AutoMQ Cloud.

Subscription Status

Subscription Status is the lifecycle status identifier of a subscription plan. It determines the current status of the subscription plan and its availability. Subscription statuses typically include two enumerations: active and expired.


An Environment in AutoMQ Cloud refers to a set of foundational configuration information required for the operation and implementation of various products. It defines details such as infrastructure type, region, and network configuration. All physical resources of AutoMQ Cloud are associated with and managed within a specific Environment.

Environment Status

Environment Status refers to the deployment and operational status of the Environment itself, indicating whether the current Environment is undergoing maintenance, experiencing service disruptions, or nearing the end of its service life. Environment Status typically includes enumeration types such as creating, running, service disruption, and updating.


An Instance in AutoMQ Cloud is a virtual unit of a product service, corresponding to an open-source Apache Kafka® cluster. The metadata of an Instance mainly stipulates the lifecycle, specifications, and custom configurations of a cluster. The Instance itself has a series of status indicators used to confirm the current operational status of the service.


A Member in AutoMQ Cloud is an operational account entity defined for managing product resources. AutoMQ Cloud provides three role types for Members: Admin, Operator, and Viewer. Each role type grants different levels of operational permissions. For more details, refer to Overview▸.


Integration in AutoMQ Cloud is defined at the environment level for configuring connections to exchange data with other third-party SaaS systems. For instance, users can create a Prometheus integration and then push metrics data from some Kafka instances into a custom Prometheus integration, enabling customized metrics viewing and application. For more details on integrations, refer to Manage Integrations▸.