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The usage scenarios of AutoMQ can be categorized based on deployment forms as follows:

  • Self-deployed Community Edition: You can independently deploy and maintain the AutoMQ Community Edition in a Private Cloud environment.

  • Purchasing the Business Edition: By utilizing the Business Edition and services provided by the AutoMQ Team, you can receive technical support and operations services from the AutoMQ Team. The Business Edition comes in two forms:

    • AutoMQ Cloud A fully managed cloud service version provided by the AutoMQ Team, particularly suitable for Public Cloud environments.

    • AutoMQ Enterprise A Business Edition software for Private Cloud, referred to as AutoMQ Enterprise.

Community Edition

The AutoMQ Community Edition is governed by the AutoMQ BSL License, and the source code for all related features can be viewed in the GitHub project.


Any user can freely access the code and artifacts of the AutoMQ Community Edition. It should be noted that providing commercial services such as message queues and stream storage to third parties requires a commercial license from AutoMQ Inc.

Each Community Edition source code under the BSL license automatically converts to the Apache V2.0 License four years after release.

The legal entity referred to as "The AutoMQ Team" or "AutoMQ Inc." is AutoMQ HK Limited.

Business Edition

The AutoMQ Business Edition is designed for enterprise-level needs, offering fully managed operations with an SLA commitment. Compared to the Community Edition, it features significant optimizations and improvements in critical areas such as fault recovery, disaster recovery, elasticity, and observability. The detailed comparison is as follows:

AutoMQ Community Edition
AutoMQ Business Edition
Product Name
AutoMQ Cloud
AutoMQ Enterprise
Service Type
Free Software
SaaS Fully Managed Service [1]
BYOC Fully Managed Service [2]
Paid Software [3]
Deployment Environment
Public Cloud or Private Cloud:
  • AWS
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Tencent Cloud
  • Huawei Cloud
  • Baidu Cloud
  • Chinatelecom Cloud
  • MinIO
  • Ceph
  • CubeFS
For Public Cloud, supported major cloud providers:
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Tencent Cloud
  • Huawei Cloud
  • Baidu Cloud
  • Chinatelecom Cloud
For Private Cloud, supports the following storage technology stack:
  • MinIO
  • Ceph
  • CubeFS
  • HDFS
Resource Ownership
IaaS resources owned by the user
IaaS resources owned by AutoMQ Inc. cloud account
IaaS resources owned by the user's cloud account
IaaS resources owned by the user
Data Sovereignty
100% private, data does not leave the user's private network
100% secure, authorized AutoMQ Inc. cloud account management
100% private, data remains within the user's VPC
100% private, data remains within the user's private network
Maintenance Method
Self-deployed and self-maintained
One-click activation through cloud marketplace, official website, etc., fully managed services covering the following scenarios:
  • Deployment
  • Version upgrades (new features and bug fixes)
  • Parameter tuning
  • System alerts[4]
  • Online fault handling[5]
All maintenance operations executed by the customer, with remote technical support provided by the AutoMQ Team
Payment Method
[Optional] Subscribe to Technical Consultation
  • Pay-as-you-go: Billed hourly based on usage
  • Subscription: Prepay for a specific term and resource allocation
  • Annual Subscription: Pay annually for specified term and resource allocation
  • Perpetual License: One-time purchase for software usage rights
Cost Structure
  • Machine resource costs (self-provided)
  • Operational and development manpower investment
  • Commercial Technical Consultation (Optional)
Software Service Fee (pricing includes cloud resources)
  • Software Service Fee (pricing excludes cloud resources)
  • Cloud resource costs (paid to cloud providers)
  • Software Service Fee (pricing excludes machine resources)
  • Machine resource costs (self-provided)
Technical Support
  • None
  • Community technical support
  • Expert technical support
  • Online emergency response support
  • Expert technical support
  • Online emergency response support
Applicable Scenarios
  • Initial PoC testing
  • Production applications only recommended for customers with significant R&D team investment
Default option for Public Cloud customers
Some Public Cloud customers, who wish to leverage IaaS discounts, keep data within VPC, and accept maintenance authorization
Applicable to financial and government enterprise customers who require complete data sovereignty and isolated environments.
  • [1] Refers to deploying both the control plane and data plane of AutoMQ Cloud entirely within AutoMQ Inc.'s main account independent VPC, interconnected with the customer's VPC through VPC PrivateLink or VPC Peering.

  • [2] Refers to deploying both the control plane and data plane of AutoMQ Cloud within the customer's main account VPC.

  • [3] Refers to deploying both the control plane and data plane of AutoMQ Enterprise within the customer's Private Cloud, with the customer responsible for operations and maintenance, while AutoMQ Inc. provides technical support and version upgrades.

  • [4] During the operation of AutoMQ Server, logs, metrics, and diagnostic data generated will be stored in a separate object storage bucket. The customer needs to grant cross-account authorization for this bucket to the main account of The AutoMQ Team. The AutoMQ SaaS platform will analyze the customer's cluster logs and metrics in real-time, ensuring the stable operation of the customer's cluster by AutoMQ's professional development team in the background.

  • [5] AutoMQ Server is equipped with automatic fault recovery features, monitoring various performance metrics of the cluster in real-time and isolating any abnormal nodes to achieve fault recovery before the issue affects the application. This process is typically completed within minutes, after which AutoMQ Team's engineers will conduct a background analysis of the fault causes.

If you need to evaluate or learn more about the Business Edition, please fill out the form, and our product experts will contact you as soon as possible.

Product Capability Comparison List

Capability Group
Capability Item
Community Edition
Business Edition
Cloud-Native Architecture Design
Second-Level Partition Reassignment

Minute-Level Smooth Scaling

100% Compatibility with Apache Kafka

Scheduling based on traffic throughput pressure

Scheduling based on request call pressure

Automatic identification of cold data reads

Automatic identification of slow nodes

Disaster Recovery
Self-healing for server crashes

Proactive self-healing for node hangs

Supports active scheduling and isolation recovery for various fault scenarios:
  • Network jitter isolation recovery
  • Server hang isolation recovery
  • FullGC isolation recovery
  • Slow request isolation recovery
Multi-AZ disaster recovery

✅Achieves cross-AZ scheduling and recovery based on Regional EBS
Object storage disaster recovery

✅Supports cross-region write disaster recovery for S3 with automatic failover
Block storage disaster recovery

✅Supports rapid hot data persistence to disaster recovery EBS
Multi-cloud disaster recovery

✅ Supports cross-cluster routing for disaster recovery, including message offset and consumer group state reassignment
Elasticity & Cost Optimization
Storage Elasticity
✅ Kernel natively supports pay-as-you-go with S3
✅ Kernel natively supports pay-as-you-go with S3
Traffic-following elasticity scaling

Supports multiple EBS and multiple WAL

Supports single cluster multi-bucket read/write

Multi-Metric Elasticity

✅Supports multi-metric elasticity, including CPU, memory, and network throughput, making it more adaptable to complex stress scenarios
Scheduled Elastic Scaling

✅Ready to use out-of-the-box
Large-Scale Spot Instances

Requires handling the risk of Spot instance termination
✅Ready to use out-of-the-box, allows for custom allocation of Spot instance ratios and scaling based on business needs
GUI-Based Management
Cluster Reassignment Tool

✅ Provides a Managed Seamless Reassignment Tool
Web Console

✅ Offers an Out-of-the-Box Console
  • One-Click Cluster Scaling and Configuration Changes
  • Version Management, Supporting Upgrades and Rollbacks
  • CRUDL Management for Topics, Groups, and Clusters
  • Status Queries for Accumulation and Traffic Hotspots
JMX Metrics


✅ Provides a Custom Metrics Store Dumping Feature
OTLP Integration

Grafana Dashboard

✅ Offers an Out-of-the-Box Visualization Dashboard
Monitoring and Alerts

✅ Offers out-of-the-box monitoring and alert templates for easy configuration
  • Operational anomaly alerts
  • Lagging alerts, etc.
Audit Logs

✅ Features out-of-the-box event auditing capabilities (utilizing operational S3 buckets)
  • Operational action events
  • Automatic self-balancing events
  • Anomaly events
Kafka Connect


SSO/LDAP/AD Integration

DevOps Automation
Kafka Admin API/CLI



Cluster Management REST APIs

Supported Cloud Providers


Google Cloud Platform

Alibaba Cloud

Tencent Cloud

Huawei Cloud

Baidu Cloud

Chinatelecom Cloud

China Mobile Cloud

Supported Storage Technology Stack




Software Products


Cloud Machine Image

Expert Services
Support Channels
Community Assistance
Enterprise Ticket System
Priority Support from Experts

  • Product Integration Consultation
  • Business Architecture Consultation
  • Cluster Risk Assessment
  • Critical Business Window Support

Software Artifact▸