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Deploy to Tencent Cloud TKE

Refer to Overview▸, AutoMQ supports deployment on Kubernetes. This article describes the installation process of deploying AutoMQ on Tencent Cloud's TKE platform.

In this article, references to AutoMQ product service provider, AutoMQ service provider, and AutoMQ specifically refer to AutoMQ HK Limited and its affiliates.

Operating Procedures

Step 1: Install the Environment Console

Refer to Overview▸, AutoMQ supports deployment on TKE clusters. In the TKE deployment mode, you need to first install the AutoMQ console, then use the console interface to operate TKE, and deploy the cluster on TKE.

On Tencent Cloud, installation is supported via the cloud application environment control console. Refer to Install Env via Tencent Marketplace▸.

After the AutoMQ console is installed, you need to obtain the environment console address, initial username, password, and the CAM role required by AutoMQ from the console interface. This CAM role will be used in step 2 to create the TKE node pool.

Step 2: Create a TKE Cluster

Refer to Overview▸, users need to create a dedicated TKE cluster in advance for AutoMQ. Users can access the Tencent Cloud TKE product console and follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to the Tencent Cloud TKE Console. Click Create Cluster.
  1. Select the cluster type as Standard Cluster.
  1. Fill in the basic configuration. Pay attention to the cluster specifications and other information. It is recommended to select at least L20 and enable automatic scaling. Keep other parameters at their default values.

    It is recommended to select at least L20 to manage around 20 nodes and enable automatic scaling. This prevents issues with TKE capacity limitations affecting scaling operations.

  1. Fill in network configuration. Select the correct VPC, choose the recommended VPC-CNI as the network plugin, and select the container subnets for all required availability zones.
  1. Click Next, disable non-essential Prometheus plugins, and complete the creation.
  1. Install the Network-Policy plugin. After the cluster creation is complete, go to Component Management > New > Network. Install the Network-Policy component.

Step 3: Create a TKE Public Node Pool

Refer to Overview▸, users need to create a public node pool for the TKE cluster to deploy TKE system components. Follow the steps below to create a compliant node pool.

  1. Go to the details of the TKE cluster created in step 2, click on the Nodes menu, and select Create Node Pool.
  1. Choose the General Node Pool type, refer to the documentation below to set custom parameters and complete the node pool creation. For parameters not specified in the table, please follow the default recommended values.
Set Parameter
Value Description
Node Pool Name
  • Description: Fill in a distinct name based on business semantics.
Instance Configuration
  • Note: It is recommended to select at least 2c4G instance types for deploying TKE system components.
Initial Number of Nodes
  • Note: Depending on the scale of the TKE cluster, it is recommended to select at least 2-3 nodes.

Step 4: Create a Dedicated TKE Node Pool for AutoMQ

Refer to Overview▸, users need to create a compliant dedicated node pool for AutoMQ to apply for machines for subsequent deployment instances. Follow the steps below to create a compliant node pool and complete the delegation authorization.

  1. Go to the details of the TKE cluster created in step 2, click on the Nodes menu, and select Create Node Pool.
  1. Choose the General Node Pool type, refer to the documentation below to set custom parameters and complete the node pool creation. For parameters not specified in the table, please follow the default recommended values.

When creating a node pool, only single availability zone or three availability zones are supported. If other numbers of availability zones are selected, instances cannot be created later.

Set Parameter
Value Description
Node Pool Name
  • Description: Fill in a distinct name based on business semantics.
Machine Configuration
  • Note: Specify the machine type for the node pool, please refer to the document Overview▸. Fill in the machine type.

Note: AutoMQ must run on the specified VM type. If a non-preset machine type is selected when creating the node pool, the node pool cannot be used subsequently.

Supported Subnet
  • Description: Select one or three availability zone subnets based on the actual needs of the AutoMQ cluster.

AutoMQ requires the availability zone and node pool created subsequently to be completely consistent. Therefore, if you need to create a single availability zone AutoMQ cluster, create a single availability zone node pool here; if you need to create a three availability zone AutoMQ cluster, create a three availability zone node pool here. The two cannot be mixed.

CAM Role
  • Description: The AutoMQ cluster needs access to COS, networks, and other cloud services, so you need to authorize the node pool for the above operations. When installing the BYOC environment, the corresponding CAM role will be created. Select and bind this CAM role when creating the node pool.
  • Note: To prevent other workloads within the Kubernetes cluster from occupying resources of the exclusive AutoMQ nodes, a taint needs to be applied to the AutoMQ dedicated node pool.
  • The key of the taint is dedicated, the value is automq, and the effect is NO_SCHEDULE.
  1. Node Startup Configuration: Select one or three subnets, with an initial quantity of 1.
  1. Fill in the Operations Settings: Enable elastic scaling, set the number of nodes to at least 1, and adjust the elastic upper limit to match the TKE cluster specifications and the anticipated scale of machines to deploy AutoMQ. For instance creation strategy, choose multi-zone distribution.

Step 5: Bind CAM roles to the node pool using information from output parameters after installing the console. Then click to create the node pool and add the exclusive taint for AutoMQ. The key of the taint is dedicated, the value is automq, and the effect is NO_SCHEDULE.

Step 5: Enter the Environment Console and Configure Kubernetes Cluster Information

The first time you enter the AutoMQ BYOC console, you need to configure Kubernetes cluster information and Kubeconfig for proper usage. Follow the console guidance page to fill in the TKE Cluster ID created in Step 2 and Kubeconfig to complete environment initialization.

Copy the Cluster ID of the TKE cluster created in Step 2.

Find the APIServer configuration menu and obtain the Kubeconfig configuration file.

Log into the AutoMQ console, enter the cluster ID and Kubeconfig, and complete the initialization.