Install Env Via Tencent Marketplace
Refer to Overview▸, using AutoMQ Cloud requires an environment setup first. This article explains how to install the BYOC environment from Tencent Cloud applications.
The terms AutoMQ Product Service Provider, AutoMQ Service Provider, and AutoMQ mentioned in this article specifically refer to AutoMQ HK Limited and its subsidiaries.
Prerequisites: Prepare VPC
The AutoMQ BYOC environment is deployed within the user's VPC to ensure data privacy and security. When installing the AutoMQ environment using a cloud application, users need to specify the existing VPC network and subnet information.
If you choose Install environment provided by the user’s VPC, it is recommended to create a VPC with at least 3 availability zones; otherwise, it will not be possible to create a three-availability zone instance later.
Operation Process
Step 1: Install AutoMQ from Tencent Cloud Application
- Access the AutoMQ application link. The AutoMQ Cloud BYOC environment is distributed on Tencent Cloud by default through cloud applications, and users can subscribe to AutoMQ from Cloud Applications.
- Set the required parameters and click Confirm Resources.
- After the installation is complete, check the application details and enter the environment console.
- View the initial account password and console address output by the cloud application console.
- Use the above information to log in to the AutoMQ console.
Step 2: Complete BYOC Environment Ops Authorization
The BYOC environment is deployed in the user's VPC, providing data security and privacy isolation. However, the BYOC environment will generate system logs, metrics, and other system data unrelated to the business. After the environment installation is complete, the user needs to refer to Manage Environment Ops Authorization▸ to provide corresponding ops authorization to the AutoMQ service provider, facilitating system stability monitoring and self-healing operations.
Next Steps
After the environment installation is complete, you can access and use the environment. AutoMQ supports the following two methods:
Using AutoMQ with Terraform: After completing the environment installation, users can manage and use AutoMQ through the AutoMQ Terraform Provider. To use AutoMQ via Terraform, please refer to the documentation.
Using AutoMQ through WebUI: Access the provided console address via a browser, enter the initial username and password to log in to the environment console, create instances, and explore product features. Experience AutoMQ for Kafka▸