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Set Ops Authing from Huawei Cloud

Refer to Manage Environment Ops Authing▸, when using the AutoMQ Cloud BYOC product, the AutoMQ service provider requires users to provide the corresponding operations and maintenance authorization. This document introduces how to configure delegated operations and maintenance authorization in Huawei Cloud OBS.

In this document, AutoMQ product service provider, AutoMQ service provider, and AutoMQ all specifically refer to AutoMQ HK Limited.

Huawei Cloud Environment Authorization

Huawei Cloud OBS provides a web interface and simplified authorization templates, eliminating the need for users to write their own authorization policies.

Console Operation Steps

Log in with the cloud account that owns the operations and maintenance bucket, or with a sub-account that has authorization capabilities, and navigate to the OBS Console:

  1. Go to the Bucket List page and find the target bucket. Users access the OBS console, click the Bucket List on the left navigation bar, and enter the list page. Search to find the operations and maintenance bucket configured in the current environment, and click details.
  1. Navigate to the bucket policy menu. Click to access the bucket policy and open the new authorization form.
  1. Fill in Authorization Information and Create Bucket Policy. Refer to the following instructions to fill in the appropriate authorization information, then click Confirm to complete the creation of the authorization policy.

    • Authorized Resource: Select the entire bucket.

    • Authorized User: Select another account and fill in the above AutoMQ service provider cloud account ID "2ef0b956b1524da8a0cdd6e11c65625f/*".

    • Authorized Actions: Select template settings and choose Read/Write operations.