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Service Level Agreement

AutoMQ Cloud Service Level Agreement

Effective Date: December 16, 2023

This Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "SLA") defines the service availability levels, shared responsibility boundaries, and compensation schemes provided by AutoMQ HK Limited to customers for the AutoMQ Cloud (hereinafter referred to as "AutoMQ"). Please note, unless otherwise agreed, this agreement does not apply to public beta, invite-only beta, and free test environments and instances.


Service Period: A service period is one calendar month.

Total Minutes in a Single Instance Service Period: Calculated as the total number of days in the service period for a single instance × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes).

Instance Unavailability: When an AutoMQ instance configured as expected fails to produce messages or encounters message production failures, and this condition lasts for more than one minute, the AutoMQ instance is considered unavailable for that minute.

Single Instance Unavailable Minutes: The sum of minutes a single AutoMQ instance is unavailable within a service period.

Monthly Service Fee: The total service fee paid by the customer for a single AutoMQ instance within a service cycle (i.e., a calendar month). If the customer pays for multiple months at once, the monthly service fee will be prorated according to the number of months purchased.

Service Availability

2.1 Service Availability Calculation Method

The service availability of AutoMQ will be calculated for each AutoMQ instance based on the service cycle, using the following two dimensions:

Service Availability = (Total minutes in the service cycle for a single instance - Unavailable minutes for a single instance) / Total minutes in the service cycle for a single instance × 100%

2.2 Service Availability Commitment

AutoMQ commits that the service availability for an instance within a service cycle will be no less than 99.95%.

2.3 If the above availability commitment is not met, the customer can receive compensation as stipulated in Section 3 of this agreement.

Compensation does not cover service unavailability caused by the following reasons:

(1) Attacks on the customer's application by hackers;

(2) Loss or leakage of data, credentials, passwords, etc., due to improper maintenance or confidentiality by the customer;

(3) Customer's negligence or actions authorized by the customer;

(4) Failure to follow AutoMQ product usage documentation or recommendations, such as incorrect changes or releases to AutoMQ instances via the console, API, or CLI;

(5) Errors in AutoMQ instances caused by installing third-party software or configurations not provided by AutoMQ;

(6) Brief service interruptions due to normal maintenance or upgrades of instances as described in the "AutoMQ Cloud Service Terms";

(7) Force majeure events.

Compensation Plan

3.1 Compensation Standards

For AutoMQ instances, if the service availability falls below 99.95%, compensation can be obtained according to the standards in the table below. The compensation method is limited to vouchers or other deduction tools for purchasing AutoMQ instances. The total compensation amount shall not exceed the single-instance monthly service fee (excluding fees deducted using vouchers) paid by the customer for the AutoMQ instance in the month when the service availability commitment was not met.

Service Availability
Compensation Voucher Amount
Below 99.95% but equal to or above 99%
15% of the monthly service fee
Below 99% but equal to or above 95%
30% of the monthly service fee
Below 95%
100% of the monthly service fee

3.2 Compensation Application Deadline

Customers may submit compensation claims for AutoMQ instances that did not meet availability requirements within five (5) business days after the end of the month. Compensation claims must be submitted within two (2) months following the month in which AutoMQ did not meet service availability. Claims submitted beyond this timeframe will not be processed.


4.1 Service Agreement Amendments

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) takes effect on December 16, 2023. AutoMQ reserves the right to modify the terms of this SLA. If there are any changes to the SLA terms, AutoMQ will notify you 30 days in advance via website announcement or email. If you do not agree with the modifications to the SLA, you have the right to stop using AutoMQ services. Continued use of AutoMQ services will be deemed as acceptance of the modified SLA.

4.2 Responsibility Sharing Model

AutoMQ Cloud offers both SaaS and BYOC deployment models. Based on the deployment model, there are shared responsibilities between AutoMQ and the customer. Refer to the table below for details:

SaaS Model

In the SaaS model, AutoMQ instances are deployed in the service provider's account, and customers do not need to manage the underlying cloud resources of the instances. The related responsibility model is as follows:

AutoMQ Service Provider
Cluster Deployment
System Vulnerability Patching
Software Version Upgrades
Instance Capacity Expansion
Cloud Account Authorization
Network Connectivity Assurance
Service Availability SLA

BYOC Deployment Model

In the BYOC deployment model, AutoMQ instances are deployed in the customer's cloud account, allowing customers to manage and monitor the underlying cloud resources of the instances. The responsibility model is as follows:

AutoMQ Service Provider
Cluster Deployment
System Vulnerability Patching
Software Version Upgrades
Instance Capacity Expansion
Responsible (ensure cloud resource availability)
Cloud Account Authorization
Network Connectivity Assurance
Service Availability SLA