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Monitoring & Alert Via CloudWatch

Metrics are critical analytical data for system observability. AutoMQ supports exposing multiple native Apache Kafka® metrics via CloudWatch.

Principles of Metrics Collection and Application

Internal components of AutoMQ support collecting various Kafka server metrics. However, the current Business Edition does not provide built-in metrics dashboards and alerting capabilities. Users can implement custom metrics monitoring and analysis based on the integration features provided by AutoMQ. The overall architecture is shown below:

Referencing the diagram above, use the metrics integration feature Manage Integrations▸ to forward metrics data to the CloudWatch service.

CloudWatch Metrics Definition

Detailed definitions of the related metrics exposed in the integration mentioned above are as follows:

Metric Name
Metric Description
  • Meaning: Number of active Controller nodes, unit: count.
  • Dimension: Cluster
  • Meaning: Write throughput, unit: Byte/s.
  • Dimension: Cluster, Topic
  • Meaning: Read throughput, unit: Byte/s.
  • Dimension: Cluster, Topic
  • Meaning: Number of client connections, unit: count.
  • Dimension: Cluster
  • Meaning: Total number of partitions in the cluster, excluding replicas, unit: count.
  • Dimension: Cluster
  • Meaning: Total number of Topics in the cluster, unit: count.
  • Dimension: Cluster
  • Meaning: Number of messages in consumer backlog, unit: count.
  • Dimension: Topic, Consumer Group
  • Meaning: Number of messages written per second, unit: messages/second.
  • Dimension: Cluster, Topic
  • Meaning: The number of offline partitions without leaders in the cluster, measured in units.
  • Dimension: Cluster
  • Meaning: The size of message storage, measured in Bytes.
  • Dimension: Cluster, Topic